Lord, Teach Me To Pray (Thursday Evenings)

The LTMTP (Lord, Teach Me To Pray) Group continues to meet on Thursday evenings at 7:00PM at Sacred Heart Rectory, Clifton Heights, from 9/14/2023 until 12/14/2023. All are welcome to attend!

Are you searching for a deeper relationship with the Lord? Can your prayer life use a booster? Consider taking part in a Prayer Group for Women based on the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

A trained facilitator leads a small faith sharing group for 1-2 hours once a week for 12 weeks in a confidential setting. Participants are introduced to the methods of the Ignatian style of prayer, meditation and contemplation, as well as the Daily Examen.

Sacred Heart Rectory
316 E Broadway Avenue
Clifton Heights, PA 19018
For more information email Mary Powers: marykenneypowers@gmail.com