National Eucharistic Congress – Ways to Follow Along

The 10th National Eucharistic Congress begins in just FOUR DAYS. As this historic moment unfolds, we are planning robust coverage so that every Catholic in America will be able to see what God is doing in real-time.
Below, you will find a breakdown of the different ways you can follow along even if you aren’t in the stadium itself. If you know anyone who is unable to make the trip, please pass this information along so they know they are invited to participate from home! If your calendar opened up for next week but you don’t yet have a pass, we have good news: there are still a few seats available!
Register today while there is still space. You are welcome to join us for one day or all five.
Live Stream the Congress
For those who won’t be able to join us in Indianapolis, we are happy to be able to provide a live stream on our website of the main events taking place in Lucas Oil Stadium. This includes Mass each day, the Encounter Impact Session, and each day’s Revival Session. Simply visit our website July 17–21 to pray with us.
In addition, our partners at EWTN will be offering television and live stream coverage, and our radio partners at Relevant Radio will be broadcasting live from the Congress.
Receive Email Updates
We will send an email each day of the Congress sharing photos from this historic moment, highlights, quotes, and more. If you know someone who isn’t already receiving our emails but would like to receive these emails, encourage them to sign up today!
Follow Along on Social Media
We will keep our social media channels updated with photos, videos, and so much more throughout the entire event. Follow us now on Facebook and Instagram so you won’t miss out!
And join us live each morning of the Congress on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube for a special live morning show with Sister Alicia Torres and Tanner Kalina!
Plenary Indulgence Opportunity
As a reminder, the Holy Father has granted an opportunity for Catholics in our country to obtain a Plenary Indulgence by participating in the events of the National Eucharistic Revival. Even for those following along at home, the decree issued by the Apostolic Penitentiary and approved by Pope Francis says that:
“Faithful individuals who, due to reasonable circumstances and with pious intention, have participated in the sacred rites and received the Papal Blessing through media communications, may also obtain a Plenary Indulgence.”
Be sure to follow along, and align with the usual conditions of a Plenary Indulgence, to receive these extraordinary graces.
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